Wednesday, April 21, 2010


This is a not-particularly-well-rendered scan of my most recent efforts into the realm of SCIENCE. Yes, it's  true: my interests are not only in the area of science fiction, but also science itself (insofar as it can be rendered in tiny thread stitches.)  

Up next? It could be a Bird of Prey, it could be the Canadarm. OR MAYBE it will be Kamala, the empathic metamorph who pair-bonds with Picard only to be cruelly ripped away (in the name of Duty) in episode 21, season 5, The Perfect Mate. Only time will tell.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Do it yourself. No seriously, do it yourself. I don't wanna.

That's a bald-faced LIE! I DO wanna do it myself.

Brian and I have done-it-ourselves again. This time, it was Pho (which is pronounced 'fuh' or 'foo' or something else other than 'foh', which apparently sounds like the word for poop. Or something. Anyway. Oops!). Brian loves Pho. He loves the way it makes your eyes water and your nose run, and the fact that you have to work your way through all of that broth to get to the solid parts. Naturally, we had to try making it ourselves, which involved:

- 5 pounds of beef knuckle for the broth
- 3 pounds of additional beef

Thirty dollars worth of animal parts, in other words. Thank god it provided us with enough broth to make lots of Pho AND ALSO potentially drown a person in.

Throw in some star anise, cloves, charred onions and ginger (putting my burning-stuff-skills to good use) and you're just about there.

Pair it with a bottle of the world's finest home brew, and you have a night to remember.