Sunday, February 7, 2010

Scone of the (last) week: Honey Vanilla Almond

In January, I made a promise to myself and The Generalized Other that I would create a new, unique scone every weekend.

So far, I have kept that promise, with the exception of this Saturday, when I fulfilled another promise made to a Significant Other: that I would, when the time was right, attempt to bake cinnamon rolls.

This post isn't about them, unfortunately, because when I went to take a picture of the last one, it had 'mysteriously' disappeared. But they were pretty good, especially the second batch, which I made more carefully, with more flour on my hands, knowing and avoiding the mistakes I made with the first batch. Still though, even the duds, made duddish mostly by their gnarly, sloppy aesthetic, were pleasant, balanced, indulgent.

Enough about them. This post is about last week's scone: nicknamed 'The Nougat', it was my secret base recipe (to be revealed later, surely) with the addition of real vanilla, toasted sliced almonds, and honey (not enough of it).

They were only OK. They were not as good as previous scones, such as the apricot walnut beauties I debuted with, or the bacon, pecan and maple-glazed garlic heart-stoppers I tried two weeks ago. Next week's are sure to be a hit though, so stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. "Pretty good" does not come close to encapsulating the deliciousness that were those cinnamon buns. NOT EVEN CLOSE.
